Latest News
October Newsletter - member benefits, programmes, events...
Kia ora clubbies,
Hope you are all loving spring riding, including club members in Level 3 who can't get to Rotorua but are spinning their wheels closer to home.
Lots of awesome things going on for... -
November Newsletter - new events, epic results, scholarship announcements, Richie McCaw + more
Kia ora clubbies,
The stoke for riding keeps rolling in with events being held, new events coming through, rider programmes underway, awards being handed out and more. But first. How good was... -
December newsletter - introducing our app, two events remain on the 2021 calendar and more!
December 2021
Meri Kirihimete clubbies,
2021 is drawing to a close and it seems like we are busier than ever! Before I get into my list of RMTBC stoke, can we please just acknowledge our local... -
January newsletter - membership update, First Response Unit dashboard and more!
January 2022
Kia Ora Clubbies and Happy New Year!
Firstly, a huge thank-you to everyone who has renewed their membership for 2022! Our goal is to hit 2000 members this year and here's a fun fact...